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How to add category value in dropdown of another module in magento

Put this line in your drop down attribute: 'values'   => DesignerToolSetting_Baseproduct_Block_Adminhtml_Baseproduct_Grid::getValueArray(), after that make a function in your grid.php public function getValueArray(){ $valuearray = Array(); $fontcat = Mage::getModel("baseshapes/baseshapes")->getCollection(); //echo '<pre>'; //print_r($fontcat); //echo '</pre>';die; //$fontcat->addFilter('status',0); foreach($fontcat as $categ){ $valuearray[$categ->getId()] = $categ->title; } return $valuearray; }

Magento Form Validators

Magento Javascript Validation Classes There are many more validation classes you can assign and I list them here as a reference. For more information on this please use Google, experiment with the code or contact me via my email or the contact form. validate-select Please select an option required-entry This is a required field validate-number Please enter a valid number in this field validate-digits Please use numbers only in this field. please avoid spaces or other characters such as dots or commas validate-alpha Please use letters only (a-z or A-Z) in this field. validate-code Please use only letters (a-z), numbers (0-9) or underscore(_) in this field, first character should be a letter. validate-alphanum Please use only letters (a-z or A-Z) or numbers (0-9) only in this field. No spaces or other characters are allowed validate-street Please use only letters (a-z or A-Z) or numbers (0-9) or spaces and # only in this field validate-phoneStrict ...

database connection through class

<?php class createConnection //create a class for make connection {     var $host="localhost";     var $username="username";    // specify the sever details for mysql     Var $password="password";     var $database="database name";     var $myconn;     function connectToDatabase() // create a function for connect database     {         $conn= mysql_connect($this->host,$this->username,$this->password);         if(!$conn)// testing the connection         {             die ("Cannot connect to the database");         }         else         {         ...