<?php class createConnection //create a class for make connection { var $host="localhost"; var $username="username"; // specify the sever details for mysql Var $password="password"; var $database="database name"; var $myconn; function connectToDatabase() // create a function for connect database { $conn= mysql_connect($this->host,$this->username,$this->password); if(!$conn)// testing the connection { die ("Cannot connect to the database"); } else { $this->myconn = $conn; echo "Connection established"; } return $this->myconn; }
To get Domain name from the url, we can use parse_url() php function. This would filter the domain name from the given url. $domain = str_ireplace ( 'www.' , '' , parse_url ( $url , PHP_URL_HOST )); This would return the google.com for both http://google.com and http://www.google.com
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